FarmHouseRescue Saving animals. Healing humans.

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Our Mission

At FarmHouse Rescue, our mission is to provide sanctuary to farm animals while sharing their love with individuals in need.  We strive to give a permanent loving home to our farm animal friends and reconnect people with the love and healing of animals.

Take Action

There are millions of farm animals desperate to be rescued from deplorable living conditions, neglect and the eventual, heartbreaking fate that awaits them, slaughter. We're looking for generous donors - sharing in our mission, vision and values - who will help us further our goals of affecting as many lives as possible.

Donate or Volunteer

This is a TRUE nonprofit. Every dollar goes directly to the animals and people they help.

Hannah, Full-Time Agriculture Intern

It's a place where the animals are not livestock, they are family.

Katia Linstrom, Volunteer

I love coming to the farm because it's therapeutic for me and every animal has its story.

Denise Holm, Animal Caretaker